(In)Security in Wi-Fi networks: a systematic review


  • Diogo Faíscas ISLA Gaia




WEP, WPA, WPA2, WPA3, Wi-Fi security threats


Everyone wants to be connected to the internet at every second of their lives. Due to the ease and speed of access, Wi-Fi networks are the main internet connection point of users. The amount and coverage of Wi-Fi networks multiplies each passing day, as all the countries are now trying to give free Wi-Fi at public places. If we search for available networks anywhere with our phone, there will be very few places where there are not at least one or two networks available. In this paper we will do a systematic review of papers and literature indexed in Google Scholar; Research Gate or IEEE and on reliable webpages like Cisco, that analyze the risk to which Wi-Fi networks are exposed and why these networks are insecure. We will specially investigate the most used wireless security protocols like WEP; WPA; WPA2 or WPA3.


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P. F. Wilbur, "HACKERNOON. A hacker intercepted your WiFi traffic, stole your contacts, passwords, & financial data.," 2 february 2019. [Online]. Available: https://hackernoon.com/a-hacker-intercepted-your-wifi-traffic-stole-your-contacts-passwords-financial-data-heres-how-4fc0df9ff152. [Accessed 2022 december 3].

D. Schepers, A. Ranganathan and M. Vanhoef, "Let Numbers Tell the Tale: Measuring Security Trends in Wi-Fi Networks and Best Practices," in WiSec ’21, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3448300.3468286

Z. A. Najar and R. N. Mir, "Wi-Fi: WPA2 Security Vulnerability and Solutions," Wireless Engineering and Technology, vol. 22, pp. 15-22, 18 April 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4236/wet.2021.122002




How to Cite

D. Faíscas, “(In)Security in Wi-Fi networks: a systematic review”, ARIS2-Journal, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 17–23, Dec. 2022.