Information For Authors

Welcome to ARIS2.

The first thing you need to know about ARIS2 is that we are an Open Access with No-Processing Charges Journal purely focused on Information Security, Data Protection, and Data Privacy thematics, published by LAPI2S - Laboratory of Privacy and Information Systems Security, based in Porto, Portugal,  and edited by Prof. Dr. Nuno Mateus-Coelho.

Are you interested in submitting your research to this international Cybersecurity Journal? We recommend that you review the "About the Journal" page for the journal's section policies and the "Author Guidelines".

Authors need to "register" with the journal before submitting or, if already registered, can simply "log in" and begin the five-step process.

You can "download it here" or in "Submissions" the Microsoft Word Template

ARIS2 - Advanced Research on Information Systems Security is a peer-reviewed journal, and before we publish your research, we pass it through a complete analysis process. Please observe the following diagram of the process of ARIS2.

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Aris Reviews and Issues Manager